The UX Process for Information Architecture

Hence, creating an information architecture must begin by defining the content that needs to appear on the website. How quickly have governments pivoted and changed their approach to the COVID-19 pandemic based on new information? Not to mention the release of conflicting information from alternate sources that has also created mass confusion. Treejack is a tool that allows you to validate your navigation structure. It asks the participants to indicate where they would look to find specific information and provides you with insightful actions.

information architecture web

A logical, consistently named site organization allows users to make successful predictions about where to find things. Consistent methods of organizing and displaying information permit users to extend their knowledge from familiar pages to unfamiliar ones. You don’t want your user’s mental model of your web site to look like Figure 4.9. Regardless of the exact methods that you use, card sorting can be an inexpensive but valuable means to test your ideas on representative members of your potential audience. You don’t need huge numbers of research participants to get useful data. is archived and no longer updated

Don’t worry about getting it wrong at this stage, as we will test our structure later. You can also use the report to identify potential sub-sections underneath the primary navigation. However, these will be further defined when carrying out closed card sorting. Providing a visual navigation path of exactly where the user is within a website can provide more context for the content they are viewing. Information Architecture is the art of transforming your thoughts into output for seamless browsing. It not just enhances a User’s experience but serves as a critical resource for decision making, adding new features to the site, and expanding the site in the right direction.

  • Omnigraffle is the Omnigroup’s diagramming and wireframing suite.
  • Familiar colors, menu hierarchies, and diagrams promote consistency and fluid usability.
  • Card sorting is a technique to help you organize & categorize things.
  • Browse interfaces composed of major site and content landmarks are essential in the initial phases of a user’s visit to your site.
  • Have a complete inventory of all your major categories and subcategories of content, with each category on its own card.
  • You can also use competitor research to inform your categorization efforts.

The simplest and most familiar way to organize information is to place it in a sequence. This is the structure of books, magazines, and all other print matter. Sequential ordering may be chronological, a logical series of topics progressing from the general to the specific, or alphabetical, as in indexes, encyclopedias, and glossaries. Once you have created your site in outline form, analyze its ability to information architecture web design support browsing by testing it interactively, both within the site development team and with small groups of real users. Efficient web site design is largely a matter of balancing the relation of major menu or home pages with individual content pages. The goal is to build a hierarchy of menus and content pages that feels natural to users and doesn’t mislead them or interfere with their use of the site.

Tools of the Trade

You can use this kit to show the basic features and flow of an app before you start wireframing. At this point in the process, you’ll want to decide whether search can improve the user experience on your website. To create categories that work for the largest audience, start with your full list of content. Next, apply your user research to prioritize and group that content.

information architecture web

Pinterest demonstrates a useful way to present visual user-generated content based on search terms. This works well based on the sheer amount of content available on the site, which would make it difficult to provide a simple navigation system based on categories. Web design strategy and IA, while they are two different beasts, have a few things in common. Both of them help users have a more pleasant experience using your product. Arguably design strategy and IA need to work concurrently, in parallel, and meet at the same place in the end.

Search Functionality

Image by Nick Babich.A sitemap should not be fancy; you can create it using tabs like in the example below. This format works well when you need to communicate the structure to other people. Suppose you design an e-commerce website that sells electronics.

information architecture web

Great navigation is a reflection of well-designed information architecture that considers the target audience’s needs. In 1997, Jakob Neilson conducted a study that showed over 50% of website users would use the search function over site navigation. In 2012, reported that 30% of website visitors to e-commerce sites will use the site search, while a Kiss metrics study found that 40% of users preferred using search.

How do information architects organize information?

Below is a brief description of each principle with some examples. Information architecture lets you get involved in the decision-making process on your site. It helps you give users what they’re looking for with every click.

information architecture web

IA must be created to accommodate a variety of users with varying degrees of experience and objectives. Working with complicated content, managing a few resources, and making sure the IA is adaptable enough to alter in the future are additional difficulties. Obtaining new users or customers is probably among the goals of all businesses. Making sure that users can easily find sign-up pages and contact details through good Information Architecture is a must. If users can’t find such information quickly, they are very likely to leave the website in minutes.

UX, IA, and Cognitive Psychology

Some examples of IA sub-specialties include focusing on search schemas, metadata, taxonomy, etc. Do more user testing with your initial user group to test your final website labels and categories. Because whether you choose to create global navigation menus, sidebars, or breadcrumbs, navigation is key to a great user experience. Tree testing can help you see how your users respond to navigation and labels. This process will show you how easily users can find information on your site.

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